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Prayer and worship form the basis of First Sterling. We offer a range of ministries and opportunities to participate. Our calendar includes time allotted for prayer, sermons, and personal reflection, as well as guided Bible study. All are welcome!

Supporting the Mission
Our goal is to help our members, adults, youth and children grow in their knowledge of God and their purpose in the Body of Christ. We believe in One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism. Ephesians 4:11-12 says: And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.


Men's Ministry meets every 3rd Friday of the month at 7:30pm

The primary purpose of the First Sterling Men's Ministry is to advance Christ-centered fellowship and accountability toward God by building obedience stewardship, discipleship and leadership that will further fulfill other ministries and stabilize the families of the First Baptist Church of Sterling. 


The vision of the First Sterling Men's Ministry is to establish a ministry of excellence that teaches men the principles of the Word of God and connects them to their identity, purpose and mission as men in the body of Christ. The goals of the First Sterling Men's Ministry  include:


  • Provide Spiritual Growth and Development - The Ministry will ensure each man within the First Sterling correctly understands his Godly identity and purpose. We will provide plans and instructions that challenge the members of the Men's Ministry how to carry this out based on OBEDIENCE toward the Word of God.

  • Provide Support - This Ministry will create a safe atmosphere that fosters  encouragement and emotional bonds of trust.  No judgment, no blame. No one is perfect. Time will quickly show that others care dealing with or overcome similar situations.

  • Develop a Spiritual Readiness - This Ministry should  build up and prepare the men of First Sterling to  become participants and leaders of other ministries.  Men that are spiritually prepared to react quickly and serve at all times versus an  unresponsive attitude that shows a man with a conflicting character.

  • Lead Men to Spiritual Maturity - This Ministry should ensure the men of First Sterling understand their purpose and are equipped to defend themselves while utilizing Godly principles.

  • Create a Leadership Resource - This Ministry will ensure the men of First Sterling become the mold of leadership versus what is presented by the world. Lifestyle changes should create questions from others and power their  desire to become Christ minded.

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Women's Ministry meets every 3rd Friday of the month at 7:30pm

The vision of the First Sterling Women’s Ministry is to collectively work as a team and submit ourselves to Jesus Christ and to one another so that we may help one another grow into mature believers, until we reach unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God. Our desire is to strive to become true Virtuous Women of God filled with the Holy Spirit as we serve our family, church and community. Proverbs 31:10-31. The goals of the First Sterling Women’s Ministry are to:


  • Provide Spiritual Grown and Development – Make sure that every woman knows her identity and purpose in God. We must also provide lesson plans and instructions on how to carry them out based on OBEDIENCE to the Word of God.

  • Provide Instruction and Implement Strategic Follow Up – Study God’s Word on a daily basis.

  • Provide Encouragement – Create an atmosphere of encouragement and emotional bonds of trust. No judgment, no blame.

  • Develop a Spiritual Readiness – For potential leaders by building them up in the faith.

  • Lead Women to Spiritual Maturity – By equipping them for service. 

  • Create a Leadership Resource – For the church by winning women to trust in Jesus Christ alone.

  • Strengthen the Mission of the Church – By nurturing and encouraging women to become leaders of the church.


Faith Builders Children's Church Ministry

The mission of the Children's Church Ministry is to equip our children aged 5 to 17 with Christian principles so that they may be strengthened against the negative impact of society today. They will be encouraged to increase their knowledge of God and develop their own personal relationship. We believe that through the development of a new mind in Jesus, we will enable our children to bring forth good fruit, be pleasing God in all things, and help them advance toward maturity in Christ Jesus. The goals of the Children's Church Ministry are to encourage all children to:


  • Have a personal relationship with God, based on God’s revelation through Jesus Christ, and the Bible.

  • Learn God’s principles, so they may reflect God’s light in the world. 

  • Understand God’s redeeming love as revealed in Jesus Christ, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to respond in faith and love, so that they may become new persons in Christ. Grow as children of God rooted in the Christian community of the church, live in obedience to the will of God in every relationship.

  • Live by Christian principles, being mindful in areas of speech, love, faith and purity.


Media Ministry

To serve as the official voice on behalf of the Pastor and First Sterling for all church related activities involving the public. The goals of the ministry are:


  • Develop and standardize a set of policies and procedures to control the flow of information.

  • Bridge the relationship between First Sterling and the surrounding communities.

  • Establish First Sterling as a global communications entity and increase the awareness and visibility of First Sterling in surrounding communities.


Deacon's Ministry

Over 2000 years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke a word to His Holy Apostles and told them how to order, organize, and ordain the Early Church. The Word that the Holy Spirit spoke in the 3rd Chapter of the Book of Acts was the word – Deacon. For indeed one of the offices that were instituted by the Holy Spirit and revered within the Early church was the Office of the Deacon. Ordained Deacon serves in communion service, baptismal service, weddings, funerals and ordination services. Serves in sensitive areas within the church. Marriage is a requirement.


As a Deacon of First Sterling, we are committed to the core values of:



  • Prayer and Fasting

  • Influencing generations by the power of our vision and by modeling the way.

  • Dedicated to my assignments with at least 80% participation

  • Encouraging personal growth by developing and empowering from within.

  • Capitalizing on our strength of ethnic diversity and teamwork.

  • Leaving a legacy of hope and promise to future deacons.

  • Operate the ministry professionally and efficiently.

  • Supporting the church's initiatives, physically and financially.


  • Being accountable for our every word and action.

  • Be a role model in the way we serve in everything we do.

  • Treating each other with dignity and respect.

  • Support the church's Ministries to achieve their potential.


  • Provide the best servant leadership programs.

  • Increase communication and information.

  • Have a competent, responsible people building a strong team.

  • Improving the ministry by improving ourselves.


New Members Ministry


The mission of the New Members Ministry is to provide an inspired and spirit-led study of God's Word so that the body of Christ is prepared to actively serve and support the ministry of First Sterling.

Once you fill out the form linked below, we will send you an email with more information. We also have new member classes run every Sunday at 10:00 AM except for 5th Sundays. 

There will be four classes that you will be expected to attend:

  • Salvation (1st Sunday)

  • Stewardship (2nd Sunday)

  • Studying God's Word (3rd Sunday)

  • Baptism (4th Sunday)

Do not worry if you aren’t able to make it on a particular Sunday, you can simply go to the class you missed on another Sunday it is given. 


Ushering Ministry

The mission of the Usher & Greeter Ministry is to serve together to demonstrate God's commission to us, to prayerfully promote an atmosphere where all those entering the church will feel welcomed, to meet the needs of the congregation during service and to keep distractions to a minimum.


The Usher Ministry goals are:

  • Expand the ministry by establishing an ongoing recruitment program to increase membership and participation.

  • Implement a training program to increase and maintain every usher's performance level and knowledge of all service positions.

  • Attend scheduled monthly meetings and training sessions.

  • Provide assistance to other ministries with church functions.

  • Travel with the Bishop and Co-Pastor.

  • Encourage  each Usher to work as a team player and strive to increase their individual level of commitment and dedication to the Usher Board.


Music Ministry
The great composer Johann Sebastian Bach said, "The aim and final reason of all music is none else but the glory of God and the refreshment of the spirit." The role music plays in developing and growing your ministry cannot be overstated. The worship experience is not only about hearing a message from a minister or learning a new interpretation of Scripture; a complete and fulfilling worship experience involves community-building, bonding and creating atmosphere through physical vibration as only music can. Our church is blessed to have gifted singers and skillful instrumentalists, who participate in our ministry week after week.
Our goal to present music that glorifies, edifies, and ministers to the saints who worship with us.
"And He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear, and will trust in the Lord" (Psalm 40:3). 

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Manna from Heaven
We seek to provide food for the hungry, drink to those who are thirsty, housing for the stranger, clothing for those in need and give visitation to the sick and imprisoned. For I was hungry, and you give me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was sick, and you visited me, I was in prison, and you came to me. (Matthew 25:35-36)

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